Prescription Refills

Please monitor any chronic medications carefully and request prescription refills when you still have at least a one week supply.

When you need a prescription refill, please contact your pharmacy and request a refill even if there are no refills left on the bottle.

The pharmacy will send a fax to our office requesting an authorization to refill the medication. Please allow at least 48 hours (2 business days) for refill requests to be approved.

Faxed refill requests will be checked during business hours Monday through Thursday. 

Any prescription refill requests that are received prior to 4pm on Thursdays will be addressed prior to the weekend. Refill requests received after 4PM on Thursdays will be addressed the following Monday.

If you are being followed for a condition that requires periodic checks or we have not seen you for more than 12 months, a follow-up visit may be required in order to obtain further refills.

If you have questions about your prescriptions please send a secure message to Dr. Cook through the patient portal.